New Refuge

May 31, 2007 § 2 Comments

Refuge is one of those stores that has stuff to appeal to wide variety of fashion styles. Below is Parsol in blue, the polka dot version.

Parsol comes with 2 versions of the shirt, polka dot and plain. I’ve paired it with the white Luminosity skirt and Pixel Mode Puntada slings in navy along with the new ETD black and white Casual Pochette. Polka dots are usually too cutesy for me but I actually like the ones on Parsol. I get compliments every time I wear the ETD purses.

I’m also wearing the Escape Bobby hair in copper. The prim work is nicely done, though there is the alpha issue with the bangs that has been mentioned recently. I’m wearing the red because the highlight is too extreme on the blond. It is a cute red though.

You can see the shading better on the regular version of Parsol.

I saw the ad for Amplify and knew I had to have it. The wrap shading is nicely done and the ruffle is cute but it also looks good without it. I’m holding Casual Purse.

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