
May 16, 2014 § 1 Comment

Eight years and one day. I was going to say something about how the time had flown but I can actually feel every day today.

I am still around even if I don’t blog anymore. Mostly I’m interested in interior decorating.


chevron_001I’m wearing Belleza’s Mimi skin #5 from the Arcade, my Gacha addiction is horrible and the community are all nice, terrible enablers ;-). Luckily, it’s perfect with my appliers because since I broke down and bought Slink hands and feet I’ve amassed quite a collection of manicures to go with them. Today’s pink is from Fishy Strawberry’s Bon Ton set. It’s perfect with this Chevron dress from Cracked Mirror. I’m loving the fitted mesh, being able to use my actual shape makes me happy.

The necklace is from A:S:S and the shoes are Ingenue’s Pandora flats, also from the Arcade. I was just going buy a few until I got a duplicate but somehow I wound up with the full set, except the Noir which was ridiculously rare.

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As for the interior decor, I am particularly happy with what I have right now. I saw the Nicholaston Skybox from Theosophy on Willis’s blog. I went to check it out and fell in love. The open, warm interior with that wall of glass was exactly what I was looking for.

I managed to fully furnish it with things I already had. It’s like I’ve been collecting for this house for years. I did pick up the decking from Lisp on FLF but I was just as happy without it.


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